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AI Podcast: AI and Data Security

26 March 2024

In the third and final podcast in our ‘AI Podcast’ trilogy, Lucy Densham Brown and Rebecca Dowle, members of the data protection team, will be discussing how to use AI to process data safely. They will be looking closely at the risks for businesses and the types of data security protections you can put in place.

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AI Podcast: AI and Data Security

26 March 2024

In the third and final podcast in our ‘AI Podcast’ trilogy, Lucy Densham Brown and Rebecca Dowle, members of the data protection team, will be discussing how to use AI to process data safely. They will be looking closely at the risks for businesses and the types of data security protections you can put in place.

TUPE Podcast Series: Who Transfers?

21 March 2024

In this fifth podcast in our TUPE Podcast Series, Amanda Glover will be focusing on ‘who transfers’ under TUPE. Looking at the definition of ‘employee’ under TUPE legislation and the tests that apply in deciding if those employees transfer.

AI Podcast: AI and Intellectual Property

05 March 2024

In the second of our three-part ‘AI Podcast’ series, Jacob Montague and Lucy Densham Brown, members of the data protection team at Clarkslegal, will be exploring how artificial intelligence (AI) interacts with intellectual property rights (IP rights).

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